Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Beautiful Sunny Day!

It was a beautiful Sunday today! Even though it was REALLY cold, the sun was shining and it was a glorious day. There is a golf course behind our church and after the service, Troy took Sarah out to take a look at the flock of Canada Goose that were hanging out on the course. She kept saying, "honk, honk!!" it was of course, the cutest!

Sarah's favorite seat in all her world is on Baba's shoulders!

Baba showing her how they fly away

A girl, her Baba, a flock of birds to watch, and Mama, takin photos...what more does a girl need?

We bought our baby this pretty outfit at the Friendship Store that we went to in Guangzhou, China. This Friendship Store was like a really fancy Department store, and relatively was expensive. (if you compare it to the other shopping venues in China. Still not too expensive compared to what it would have cost us in the U.S.) It finally fits her and wow, does she LOVE this outfit. I tried it on her last night before bed to see if it fit to wear to church today and she had a fit when I wanted her to take it off! She kept telling me, "No, Mama, soft jammies!!!" while she rubbed it with her hands. She
definitely wanted to wear it day and night!
Lots of smiles at home, playing with Mama & Baba...

A little blurry, but still cute.

1 comment:

mamadaisy said...

holy cow! (my personal substitute for "holy cr*p!"). that is one cute baby girl! she has a beautiful smile.