So, Sarah's Lao Lao (My Mom) finally got so tired of not seeing Sarah, she got Sarah and I plane tickets so we could go and visit my family. Sarah was bombarded with gifts just about every day we were there and got REALLY spoiled by her Lao Lao...just like every little girl should be once in a while.
Here is Sarah showing off her new twirly skirt from Lao Lao on the night we arrived.
Every little princess MUST have a feather boa! Here is Sarah and her Lao Lao holding her new movies! And trying on her new sandals... Lao Lao put out these fun twirly flowers for Sarah to play with.
Sarah and her Lao Yee waiting to have dinner
Sarah at my cousin's house in her cute outfit.
Here is my family! (with one of my cousins missing) That's my cousin's daughter, Sammy with Lao Lao and Sarah with Gigi and Poppy next to them. Sarah's playing (or trying to) my cousin's piano
Lao Lao and her girl! Lao Yee and his girl! Jumping and jumping and jumping
Sarah's Gigi (my Grandma) giving her hugs Here's my Poppy (Grandpa) with Sarah
For May's Play Date, we went to the petting zoo and had pony rides. Sarah LOVED playing with the animals! Miss Lia--Queen of the Rock!
We had some new kids come this week. Preston is on the right next to Sarah. Ava is on Sarah's Left and that's her big brother next to her. I don't know his name...and Emilie is on the far left with Lia next to her in the red. I had to include this one cause Preston was so cute, playing peek a boo with us! Sarah and Preston playing in the water, Sarah's favorite thing to do! Lia and Susie on the pony ride!
So I am obviously behind a bit in my blogging, if you haven't noticed. The problem was my computer. I couldn't get online for more than a few minutes without Internet Explorer shutting down, or the entire computer restarting. I got a new computer for a kick butt deal and am LOVING it. No more sporadic and unexpected shut downs! Yee Haw! Now I will try to get a little caught up. Here are some photos of our play date from April. We went to the local farm and the girls had a blast.
Sarah ischecking out that sheep!
and petting the baby goat... Sarah with Lia and Susie checkint out the pigs!On the treehouse... The best of the group shots. The girls were sharing their treats. Sarah got a powdered donut which explains the extra white smile! From L to R are Lia, Sarah and Sunny.
I made this quilt for my best friend, Natalia for her birthday that was in March. I didn't give it to her til April cause I was still finishing it for her. I did the whole thing all by myself. I was pretty proud of myself. She loved it, too, so that made me happy!
A few weeks ago after church, Sarah and I were playing outside and I couldn't resist getting the camera. Sarah absolutely LOVES this dress, she calls it her Belle Dress! She says she has brown hair like Belle and a yellow dress like her, too.
She loves to pick dandelions... Then she found one she could blow all over, thanks, Honey...I wanted those seeds scattered all over our yard! (But what do you do? She's just too cute to not let have her fun!) Don't you love the matching purse?
Isn't that a sweet smile? I was sitting at my computer and turned to see my little cutie in this position! What a doll. I'm so in love with this girl...